miramonte high school cheerleader killed

I dont care what anyone says to another person, it does not give you the right to kill them. I am merely reading the comments after viewing the movie and indeed if the movie mischaracterized Bernadette then her parents should sue them. By the time theyre 23 they grow out of it completely most ususally. I was informed Kirsten was highly popularand a Cheerleader and cheerful, even if she was a bully no right for her to be savagely Murdered. She could of been real nice and friendly. The girl who said Missy Availa was the meanest girl she ever knew and was her Worst Bulky, youre no better, let the dead rest. You claim you know Kirsten, are you the one who told about the Bullied Girls who were ran out and Demonized. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Bernadette was a Sociopath and stalked her, and dwelled on her for Months about Kirsten not liking her when in fact Kirsten had nothing against Bernadette till that Fateful Night. I knew both gals. Since then, Bernadette Protti has seemingly vanished without a trace. Once Kirsten was dropped off, a girl got off the Pinto, stabbed her, and fled. Lifetime manages to dramatically portray yet another vicious crime, so the viewers are left amazed at the depths of human depravity and the darkness of human minds, even if it is a 15-year-old girl. Whats wrong with you? She could have gotten all of her 9 years. Read the article, read more on the actual case, stop judging real people based on a low-budget lifetime movie. The whole movie seems based on stuff Bernadette said and from her point of view which is a bit unfair. She only confessed cause the FBI was cornering her, and she had no where to turn to. Not boring (ugly, maybe, not boring), and also thus not a natural blonde. She felt it was even worse than having killed someone which is ridiculous and sad but thereve been a few cases like this.. Its thought to be the reason why Skylar Neese was really killed though her two best friends who killed her claimed they just didnt like her any more (again doesnt make sense) and there was evidence that Skylar had seen her two friends making out. Nope! That didnt happen that way. Her mom and brother had traveled to Los Angeles to escape the smoke from the Camp Fire. It made me feel oh so special. Are you bullied in school? She should have been happy With the circle of friends and family she had. According to Los Angeles Times, the 16-year-old created a false invitation to trick Costas into attending a Bob-O-Links dinner, a volunteer group at the Miramonte High School. An example that shows that Bernadette didnt have respect for Kirstens family and shows how detached Bernadette was from killing Kirsten was that she appeared to have no inhibitions about attending Kirstens funeral. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. This is what can happen when you are a bully. The things that got me mad was it hurt and I couldnt change like looks or money or popularity or things," Protti added later on. Well to a degree maybe, but Bernadette stalked her and longed fro a friendship. Bernadette had jealousy issues. That movie was terrible and blamed the victim for her own murder. See how the most famous actresses of the 50s & 60s used Lustre-Creme shampoo, Gene Wilder talks writing & acting, movies & stardom, and working with Mel Brooks, See amazing pictures of elegant old Pasadena, California, from the days before cars, Vintage Tupperware: See 100+ retro plastic container styles, from the 50s to the 80s, How do you use a rotary phone? I hear she isnt a nurse any longer and just stays home mostly. Was she snotty to? Rubbish. You get on here and write comments all day long, repeating yourself over and over and over again. If you were a no body she didnt roll with you. Embarrassed, Angela moves her mother's arm and storms off to collect her bag. She supposedly suffers from depression. Known for its lack of crime, and upper-middle-class families, Orinda saw the Costas move from Oakland, starting their lives afresh, there. 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Bernadette Protti is believed to have changed her name, gotten married (causing her last name to change again), and became a nurse and medical journal author in suburban Dallas (Grapevine TX). Bernadette was obsessed with her, a friend of ours, she thought Bernadette was guiltyall along. If every teen girl was to be murdered due to bullying and being Stuck up, and also Loose with boys then we wouldnt have any teen,girls at all. She did to, and Bernadette had fun with us as well. Eventually, she ended up confessing to killing Kirsten, saying that she put her down, and made her feel bad, exacerbating Bernadettes inferiority complex. Unfortunately, no one was home as nobody answered the call. So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)? A lot of murder cases they get s light sentence or aquitted, but they also get harassed by the public and media so they dont get off all the way, the media torments them. Kirsten teased Joanna and Joanna got it all wrong to. She loved to play Nancy Drew. Its always so sad when a murder happens to anyone especially a young girl who has her whole life ahead of her. I had an English class with Kirsten and her friends, we were all put in pairs in order to read off as part of a project, Kirsten and them just acted as though I was invisible and everyone in our group (but me) got to read a part. Bernadette is no more and she doesnt exist anymore, so why keep bringing up the past, my goodness look at the times the World is in now. Kirsten in no way deserved to die. You can also get our free newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Pinterest. Upon her release, she reportedly changed her name. She didnt hate anyone (as I said) just didnt like the way they acted. Its best not to post comments at all on Bernadette anymore. She dared to say she could not commit suicide because her religion would not allow it, but did not take into consideration the life of Kirstens! . It took investigators some time to conclude the case, which is quite baffling when looking back at the circumstances leading to the murder. Kelly is part of a popular school clique and seems to have everything Bridget desires. She loved life, never seen her get ugly with anyone, I really cant picture that. The evidence supports nothing more than the finding of murder in the second degree. When this plan is upended, it fuels her jealousy and results in murder. Not just the 2 accussed. If you did your research, you would know that Kirsten didnt bully Bernadette. Anyone who defends her is just as Sick and Twisted as she is. [Bernadette] had plenty of time to change her mind. The Costases charged that Bernadettes confession was riddled with lies that no one would use an eighteen-inch knife to cut a tomato and that Bernadette, casually dressed, never planned on taking Kirsten to a party. Kirsten was a Bully, I had heard she was,, and heard she wasnt and it was hard to picture her as a Bully. The degree - whether it's first or second - is irrelevant. However, Protti followed their car stabbing Costas five times just as she was about to reach her doorstep. They told about the girls ran out of School. The paint was peeling off, and it put a lot of pressure on her sensitive self-esteem as she never imagined living in such a place. However, she didn't finish her nine-year sentence behind bars as she was paroled after seven years, released on June 10, 1992. Police and friends are still perplexed about a brutal killing that so far has no suspect or motive only a pretty and popular 15-year-old victim. Finally, as an aside, I think some people need to learn the difference between fiction and reality. I didnt know her, but what teen girl isnt sassy and smart aleck, but no reason to kill them, they grow out of it eventually. She was convicted in 1985 and sentenced to nine years, on a charge of second-degree murder. Same for guys as well, but girls are a lot worse. Im embarrassed for her. I believe that the real number was held by the cops. Some still get together. Admin Garret. Nobody was all that nice to each other because that was the culture parents included even more so than the kids. Her friends got to where they avoided her if possible. She never had words with Kirsten, just said Kirsten hardly talked to her, maybe once or twice in her entire life. Knowing that the Protti family is no longer poor, I hope they didnt benefit financially from this film! I so disagree with some of the posters. Kirstens friends dont sit and discuss Morbid depressing stuff to start with. One reporter wrote that by the end of the tape, even Berit Costass head was bowed. I could call you out but I wont. Bernadette and Kirsten were friends supposedly. Many left hand-written notes, flowers, candles and white. I heard they ran Several girls out not just them, they Demonized one to where she had to Leave portraying her as a Tramp over some guys. As Kirsten headed towards her house from Alex's car, she spotted Bernadette on the street and headed towards her. So she was a Bully, she is not here to defend herself any longer, so youre the Bully now. Anyone still get on these sites? B was a Psycho and always will be. How did you talk and act around those girls, ask yourself that! Her father was a retired public works officer, and her mother a homemaker. She served her jail sentence, got released early and is living an everyday life today. You will think positive then allow being moved by what ppl say or do. Thats how she probably got associated with not liking people who didnt fit in. Bernadette then stalked Kirsten all the way to her house which would anger and disturb most people. Sometimes she could come off the wrong way, but if someone rubbed her the wrong way, she would let them know. She should of just left Kirsten alone and went on with other things, Kirsten wouldnt of gave her any thought otherwise, but she was just obsessed with Kirsten and Kirsten liking her, that was the main focus in her life, and it took Kirstens unfortunately. Me! She acted like Kirsten except Kirsten was (more funny). And back then Bernadette was never going to admit that. I also was in a school where most others came from two income families and most of the parents were accountants, lawyers or doctors. We know Bernadette has issues, you that like her and defend her have Issues as well. She just acted Odd a lot. Kristen was a bitch (sorry, fact), who would roll her eyes at randoms and point and laugh at people. She fit in and was as popular as Kirstens 2 close friends (Diane and Stacy), Bernadette wanted more. Lifetime released a remake, also titled Death of a Cheerleader, on Feb. 2, 2019. It was a strange time growing up around religious freaks. Also a DJ chick who was Singled out.Using McDonalds name sure she will appreciate it. I seen a few of them out and about. God calls people home not Bernadette. Im not saying Kirsten was totally innocent, for it takes 2, but to Murder in Cold blood. Thats so hot, the girl says, and heads home. The ones no one else liked theres a reason usually. Death of a Cheerleader (Film) - TV Tropes . They were weird and odd mostly, I didnt like them myself. Sweet Melancholy my tail. I hear she suffers from depression to. I got cut off before I had a chance to say anything else. She had a circle of friends, Kirsten was more popular though. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere in the story (not sure youre mostly just saying I was not being honest what is that about?). She is still Crazy as always. Donnah Winger murder case: What happened to convict Mark Winger? I love Kirsten think about her all the time. I dont know why you are saying nice things about Kristen she was very mean and she said stuff that offended people she stop acting like she was innocent. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Kirsten was angry for her lying to get her out under false pretenses, and she knew something was off. First published on November 19, 2018 / 6:32 PM. Still wasnt right. I can understand that part. People, cant we all just get along and respect one anothers opinion? Kirsten wasnt a bully. Kirsten was one to always have fun, Was Orinda elite, yes, but they had a lot of wonderful people there to, and they helped one another. Who could have stabbed popular, beautiful cheerleader Stacy to death? We should educate our children, our minds and our souls. I never thought she would go as far as murder. The best way is to bring bullies down a peg or a few. I disagree with you. That would disturb most people. Excuse my long reply. When the time was up, Elaine Protti read her daughters confession. I was a year behind those girls, Bernadette was mean to me, she was stuck up also. Bernadette admired and idolized Kirsten, her schoolmate. There have been a couple people in my youth that I thought were extremely mean to me. Deadly Women portrayed Kirsten differently, she was kind of like that, but cut up more and more bouncier. I just believe Bernadette pushed to hard on Kirsten and it weirded out. Maybe she did something to make it bad. What is wrong with you? Trouble for or Stealing maybe we could look past that. Police said today 15-year-old Kirsten Costas thought she was going to a sorority-like initiation the night she was stabbed to death just a few yards from her Orinda home. As I wrote in another comment to you, If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? Her BFF I think is also real sick, shes down to nothing. I have also wondered if her self esteem was also riding on the two most important people of all-her parents!! Note: This article may feature affiliate links, and purchases made may earn us a commission at no extra cost to you. She and D were always cracking jokes and having fun. The release of Death of a Cheerleader in the 90s rekindled an infamous story of a brutal murder in June 1984 in Orinda, California. She and one of her good friends practiced all the time. It was full of middle class and upper- middle class families. Dont care how mean Kirsten was, that was uncalled for, you that defend Bernadette saying Kirsten was mean girl, do you realize Kirsten is gone forever, and will never be back, do you realize Bernadette took a Life! The officers all ran unopposed save for the position of junior class Treasurer. you werent there so shut up I agree with Karen Karen get your pretty face back on here Is this the same Karen I grew up with?. I personally beleive Kirsten could be a smart aleck to those she didnt like, but remember most teenage girls are. I hear she disguised herself when she comes to Orinda wears shades over her eyes, and lives behind a long lane (mom does). Bernadette was homely; Kirsten was pretty. She may have tried to point the blame towards Nancy and Joanna but it backfired on her, Joanna comes to Reunions, as Bernadette cant cause it will never ever be forgotten. 15-year-old Kirsten Costas was ruthlessly murdered on June 23, 1984, by one of her schoolmates. They werent socially accepted on account of the choices they made.. Berns BFF chose to support her( that set her apart) In Orinda if you act like a Bad A.. you wont be accepted. Teen Girl Who Died In Orinda House Fire Mourned By Fellow Students homely? I still have nightmares of many girlfriends ignoring me, making fun of me and being just vicious. Her house too, apparently had paint peeling off, and was not the type of place she imagined herself to be living in. Here we go again. She told them that she was with a friend and she had gotten weird on her. So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)????? Frequently considered a cult-classic, the 1-hour and 31-minute-long film offers a chilling depiction of the horrific murder story. Kirsten she liked everyone, she wasnt any bully by any means, she was so cute and funny. We werent in the same grade I was one year ahead of her she acted as if she was better. She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance as police secured the scene. Kirsten was also described as Cute, funny and full of Life, and Bern took that Life. I guess we all cant like everyone. Was Kirsten and her friends a lot of fun to hang with, and did they party? If you were snubbed at Miramonte, maybe you caused your own reactions. This will always be a tragic story that will never be forgotten, I certainly never wanted that to happen to Kirsten or anyone,she was a daughter, sister and friend to many. "She was beautiful inside and out, with an amazing personality that will live on forever," said one classmate. I heard also Kirsten was just Self Absorbed to, but not a Bully. And, of course, at her age, the perception made her quite bitter. Felicia Forbes: The story of Tommy 'Tiny' Lister's wife. I hear one girl partied a lot that hung with them. Rupaul I know a gal who knew someone who knew Kirsten. This type of case just proves what can happen when bullies go too far. Many people know about Bernadette's infamous story, but what about her personality? Me! (Lucky you). The school was no more competitive than any other school around anywhere. Kristen had it well deserved in response to someone else, which suggests that you think her cruel murder was justified. One girl here posted that one girl accused Football players of Sexual Assault at a Party and she was driven out of that School also. She called Bernadette on her bizarre behavior that night, and if Bernadette would of left Kirsten alone, it would of never reached that Point, and Kirsten would still be alive maybe even today. She was so cute and funny, and loved to be around friends have so much fun. Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. Lifetimes Death of a Cheerleader has all the ingredients to make it a perfect addition to the networks roster. I think NOT! Good luck dear. However, internet sleuths have long been fixated with uncovering Bernadettes latest location, and identity. Im sorry but I disagree. If not, I doubt she worries about the past. I believe Kirsten was going to out her for being weird and tell her weird conversation to her friends and put her at risk to be the butt of jokes. They had to leave school. I was in 8 the grade with Kirstens brother Peter and Bernadette had babysat me years prior and was very sweet. They grow out of it as they get older. Bernadette isnt coming anyway, she is not well anymore. Esp one 86 girl who thought she was just on top of the world. Bernadette even tried to point her finger at Joanna as the one who killed Kirsten. Regardless no one deserves to die like that. I hear Bernadette dont want anything to do with anyone from her past at all now. If the ones acting like Hoes were demonized while everyone lived happily ever after, why were they demonized. And so I find myself wondering what we have accomplished here. The murderer named Bridget Moretti was played by Aubrey Peeples. I heard from an article from her friends mom, Kirsten wasnt exclusive and liked everyone. After her release, she moved to another state and changed her name. look that I think only Kellie Martin can make convincing. Man you all just know Kirsten a small World. I was raised to treat others with respect. She was just as mean and snooty as the rest and stuck up to. Others suffer more cause they experience the loss. Still no one deserves to die. She is Crazy obviously, has enough problems and has to deal with murdering Kirsten and that doesnt help. Bernadette never said it in her testimony, from what I can tell. Others are not so lucky. But Kirsten didnt deserve to die, some of those girls changed and are more sensitive. Cause Bernadette was so obsessed with Kirsten liking her, she had some idea it was Bernadette, also Bernadette owned a Pinto same make as the car seen speeding away. Calling her a B and saying she dressed nice in an interview. "I lost for cheerleader and I didnt get the club I wanted and I didnt get (on the) yearbook (staff)," Costas' murderer explained in a taped confession cited by Los Angeles Times. Is it respectful to perpetuate lies about a murdered teenage girl due to a fictional depiction? When Kelly rebuffs Bridgets advances of friendship, it humiliates the latter and sends her into a jealousy-fueled rage, which ultimately results in Kellys murder. Also Bernadette wasnt bullied or singled out, thats BS. Kirstens future was right there in front of her staring her in the face, like the prom, graduation and deciding what College she would of been going to and getting married and having Children. Miramonte sounds like it had its share of Bullying. The movie starred Tori Spelling and Kellie Martin and was released in 1994. Still, Bernadette said in her confession that she and Kirsten drove to the church parking lot to smoke the pot, but when Bernadette refused, an argument followed. Kirsten was exotic, and beautiful. Shes still a Murderer and will never be anything but, as long as shes Alive, I wont forgive her for it, and neither will Kirstens family and friends. The Homecoming Court was as popular (if not more) popular than Kirsten. She kissed the popular girls butt in order to be popular. Its possible they forgave her and moved on. What if what you and I perceive as not nice clothes were as nice as she opened bc her family wasnt wealthy? Firstly, Bernadette failed to get in the coveted cheerleading team, and secondly, she did not make it to the yearbook staff. Bernadette, the youngest of six children, grew up in a hard-working family, but she was not happy and content with how things were. You are full of it. Oh youre so pretty and popular and amazing I think thats what Kirsten meant by her friend getting weird Then she killed her rather than have Kirsten tell everyone she was a lesbian. But would a real student please come forward and reveal yourself.. As for Bernadette, I didnt know her well, but said hello to her a few times in passing at school, and when she came to get the attendance slips. There is no point in making stuff up. Caskets cannot be covered with a flag of the deceased's nationality while in the church. Note: ClickAmericana.com features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety, but also in terms of outdated cultural depictions and social values. Kirsten was, and classmates mostly said she was a free fun spirit with a big heart and love for life. Stacey (Tori Lockwood) played Kirsten Costas, while Angie (Kellie Martin) played Bernadette Protti. I hear her husband knew all along about her. She turned it about herself! Dont matter if those 2 were mean and Bullies, no right to murder them, that went to far. What a bizarre story. , Your email address will not be published. If shed been bullied by Kirsten, seems like shed have told it in detail.

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miramonte high school cheerleader killed