our lady of compassion feast day

Our Lady of Sorrows - Wikipedia But we do find you standing beneath the cross on Calvary, when your Son was derided and mocked. Your Immaculate Conception permitted you to love God from the first instant of your existence; your virginity led you to vow an undivided love to Him, your fullness of grace made you capable of loving Him with the most intense love possible. In that instant the Word of God became forever united to humanity; the human soul of Jesus Christ, produced from nothing, began to enjoy God and to know all things past, present, and to come. Attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, you diligently gathered up all His lessons, preserving them in your soul with zealous care. When Jesus said to John, "Behold thy Mother," He wanted John to respect and to love you as his Mother. When still a child you consecrated yourself entirely to God, the Love of chaste souls; and afterwards you would rather be deprived of the great dignity of Divine Motherhood than to lose your virginity. John took my place on Calvary and you became, in his person, my Mother. Saints Mary, My Mother, all the saints have prayed to you for help: the prophets, the evangelists, the apostles, the martyrs, the confessors, the heroic virgins and chaste widows. The Church teaches that final perseverance in good and a happy death are graces so great that no one can obtain them by his own merits or without special help from God. Since the conception of the Son of God is all holy, all pure, infinitely removed from every appearance of sin, it was supremely fitting that your conception should be equally far from sin. Bless our prayers and labors for the conversion of the world and support them by your powerful intercession with your Son, Jesus, that His Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace Justice. Be a mother to me and save me. In 1913, Pope Pius X fixed the date on September 15. The feast is like an octave for the birthday of Our Lady on September 8th. He has given me. I cannot have Jesus for my Brother if I do not have you for my Mother. For the small sacrifice of being devoted to you I can obtain a happy death and eternal life. How wonderful, then, He must be in the Mother of the Saint of saints! If at any time you had been without Divine grace even for the shortest moment, there would not have come between you and the serpent that everlasting enmity spoken of by God. COLUMN: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: World Day of the Sick--2/7/2021. In union with Him you also did the will of God perfectly as He exclaimed "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.". It was so when you renewed your consent at the birth of the Savior at Bethlehem, at His presentation in the temple at Jerusalem and finally at the foot of the cross on Calvary. But all graces come through you. You formed His whole Self, to die for us as a sacrificial Lamb. But the same spirit of humility which had induced Jesus to obey the law of circumcision, made you also submit to the law of purification. 2. He was with you not only with His actual grace, touching your heart and enlightening your understanding. Censor, IMPRIMATUR John Mark Gannon, D.D., Archbishop, Bishop of Erie. Feast of Our Lady of Compassion - Friday, 3 April, 2020 Humility is not belittling myself, but taking the place which rightly belongs to me, not a higher place, nor a lower, but the true and just place where God wants me. 'Teach me that the test of my following of your Divine Son is practical charity. except through you. St. Brigid of Kildare Feast Day February 1st. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Queen of the Apostles because you were the source of their inspiration and zeal. Each time Jesus becomes present in the hands of the priest, the Life given to us by the words of consecration comes originally from. May your title of Mother of Divine Providence ever give us confidence that you will never fail us, but will provide for all we need in this present life that we may attain eternal life. They beheld the dwelling place prepared for the Son of God. Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Feast Day February 27 Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Manila Bulletin God has created nature and all the wondrous functions of the human body. Being filled with light from Heaven, you have shed brightness upon the whole world, by giving birth to the Eternal Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, although still remaining in the glory of your virginity. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 2021 - Archbishop Gomez You did not have to wait until the end of time for the resurrection of your body. Aside from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no human heart ever loved mankind so deeply as your heart, and, therefore, you wanted to unite your will to His, offering to Almighty God this Holy Sacrifice out of pure charity for the human race. The sacrifice of the cross began at Bethlehem. Mary, My Mother, you are Queen also because your are Co-Redemptrix. In becoming His Mother, you became ours. And finally when the sacrifice was completed by His death upon the cross you had your place beside Him. Mary, My Mother, help me to imitate your holiness to some degree. Many parishes, in addition to having a special feast day Mass, also host a reception or party in honor of the day. Not only did the Holy Spirit pour into your soul a fullness of grace, but He entrusted to you, the Mother of the human family, the distribution of all grace. With Christ you have contributed to our redemption; hence you may be called Co-Redemptrix. Then, through your compassion be pleased to send down to us, your poor servants, a rich abundance of your graces and blessing. For He was everything to you, and all else was nothing without Him. How great must have been that longing! This country and every country in North and South America, is born "under God," and under the mantle of Holy Mary, every nation and every person under her . When His head was crowned with thorns, another crown of thorns encircled your Heart. To the Father you present in your Son, an adorer worthy of Him, and adoration and love of infinite value. You receive all graces through Jesus Christ, because you pray and ask for them in the Name of Jesus Christ. Behold I come to you to show you the wounds sin has inflicted on me. Also, watch over all those who suffer in body or soul. Help me to see that humility is nothing more nor less than a just and equal judgment of myself, my talents, my opportunities and the use I make of them. Then Satan could boast that he had overcome Jesus in you, His Mother. Our Lady of Compassion Our Lady of Compassion (Nuestra Senora de la Piedad) The convent of Our Lady of La Piedad dates back to the year 1595. But that my devotion may be pleasing to you, help me to maintain my soul and body in the spotlessness of your purity, help me to try as best I can to walk in your footsteps, humbly seeking to be like you. I earnestly wish to make atonement for all of them. Simeon prophesied it when you offered the little Victim-Savior to the Heavenly Father for the first time in the temple: "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce" (Luke 2, 35). 10/7/2009 (1 decade ago) Published in Living Faith. With your heart breaking with sorrow, you had to die a spiritual death in order to become my spiritual Mother. And yet, Refuge of Sinners, you are my refuge, if I but have recourse to you, and you will extend your loving hands to receive me, to shelter me from the divine anger I so justly deserve. You became more and more filled with His spirit; you grew into Him, as it were, and became in your soul ever more the Mother of God and Mother of Jesus. But though your soul was filled with grief, you bravely stood beneath the cross. When you heard Jesus utter these words and saw Him bow His head and die, you died a spiritual death. Your offering of the bloody sacrifice of Calvary is the perfect model for my offering Holy Mass. Everything which Jesus may claim in justice is yours by friendship's title. Your Heart is pure and spotless because sanctified beyond all other hearts by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, making it worthy to be the dwelling-place of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. To understand your dignity as Mother of God in all its fullness, we would have to understand fully the dignity of the Son of God whose Mother you are. On the appointed day, at nightfall, accompanied by friends, he went in procession to your parents' house, to conduct you to his own home. The Creator, in His goodness, became the Son of His own creature. From the first instant of your existence your mind was filled by the supernatural light of faith and your soul with love of God. Filled with motherly compassion, you appealed to Jesus in behalf of your friends. Parting with your dying Son was the height of your sorrow. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Mary, by your humility, you became the Mother of your Creator. Who can describe the merits and graces that adorned your soul at the glorious instant of your Nativity at a period when all other children have no merit! Mary, Mother of God, I admire Your obedience and humility in submitting to the law of purification by presenting yourself in the temple like every other Jewish Mother, forty days after the birth of Jesus. I look to you for the grace of final perseverance and a happy death. Grant that following your good counsel, I may avoid sin, practise virtue, save my soul and attain eternal life. A woman, the tree, and death symbolize our defeat. Jesus ascended to Heaven before you not only that He might prepare a throne for you in that Kingdom, but also that He might Himself accompany you with all the blessed spirits and thus render your entry into Heaven more glorious and worthy of His Mother. Let me fear such sickness of soul as avarice, lust, luxury, ambition, hatred, angerbecause, unless these are cured, they may bring about the eternal death of my soul. Feast, August 22Octave of the Assumption (Novena, August 13-21) 1. Like the injured man in the parable of the good Samaritan, the lady lacked proper clothing, "looked beaten" and abandoned, and came across as "half-dead.". You had to become the Mother of Sorrows before you were raised above the angels as Heaven's Queen. Mary, Mother of God, I believe what Holy Mother Church teaches about your Immaculate Conception: that from the first moment of your conception you possessed justice and holinessthat is sanctifying grace, even the fullness of grace, with the infused virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and with integrity of nature; yet you remained subject to death and other pains and miseries of life that your Son Himself willed to undergo. His Holiness St. John Paul II visited her Sanctuary four times: on his first apostolic trip outside Rome as Pope in 1979, and. That grace made you holy and most pleasing in God's eyes, the special object of His love. Mary, My Mother, I am the work of the wisdom of God together with all other creatures. 1. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the holiest of God's creatures. We take a look at the story behind the indigenous peasant who came across the Patron of the Americas, and how he fought for her message to be heard. Everyday you renew your Gift generously, because to each Sacrifice of your Son, you give your consent, each Consecration is your gift to us. He was obedient and immediately arranged with you the celebration of your chaste nuptials. You have given me life without end, a life of happiness for all eternity, not a created life, but a share in uncreated life, in the very life of God. From the cross Jesus gave you to me to be my Mother, and I was entrusted to your care as your child. You are the Mother of the Uncreated Wisdom, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 3. Today we celebrate our Lady of Sorrows. At the sound of your voice Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to prophesy: "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." Mary, Mother of God, your charity is strikingly shown forth in the Visitation. Having carried within you Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you share, as no one else does, in your divine Son's holiness and purity. Here there was a sacrifice, and Jesus was the Victim. Help me to overcome the enemies of my salvation and to persevere to the end in the friendship of God. Our Lady is not looking at Jesus, but rather to us, to express compassion for us in our fears and sorrows. Help me to esteem the light of my reason as a sharing in the divine wisdom, especially when I try to follow the teaching of the Gospel. In giving you to Joseph as spouse, God appointed him to be not only your life's companion, but also a sharer of your dignity. They had seen Adam created in grace, and John the Baptist, spotless from his birth, because he had been cleansed from original sin before birth. As Christ was pleased to be comforted by an angel, so was it necessary that you should be encouraged by one. Help me, above all, so that by my good example I may enrich and ennoble every human being whose life I touch. Immaculate Mother, you are the hope of a sinful race. Virgin of virgins, remember me in my needs, and show yourself my Mother. Mary, Mother of God, your Immaculate Heart is the Hope of the world. That date was not chosen by accident, but because it is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Truly, you are "light-giving" because you have given us Jesus, the Light of the World. They roamed about in the darkness of sin and despair. Even though my past sinfulness may have made me unworthy to appear before God, I trust that you will appeal to God in my behalf as the Mother of Divine Grace. You have commanded that your precepts. . In Jesus there was wrapped up the double love of a mother for her only Child and of the holiest creature for her God. Dec. 12: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MASS PRAYERS AND PROPER READINGS. The power of your intercession has no such limits, for the saints teach me that our Savior can refuse nothing to His Mother. You are the throne of divine mercy in whom we find solace of mercy. If I have humility, God may flood my soul with grace here and exalt it eternally in heaven. 12, 1). Though you had already been assured by the angel that you were this happy Mother chosen by the Lord, you did not stop to rejoice in your exaltation.

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our lady of compassion feast day