Communication with your Team Simple and Easy

TeamsText makes it easy to communicate with your team by text.  Make your life easier by using our simple interface to text the entire team, a segmented list, or individual person right from your web

We’re making Team Communication Simple and Easy!

Common Questions

Here are some common questions we get asked from teams about TeamsText.

Can't I just send a text from my phone?

The short answer is yes, you could send from your personal phone.  While that is doable, it’s not the best way to manage a team.  With, you can have multiple people use the account, and we’re not dependent on your personal cell phone to connect with your team.  You can use multiple devices to access our browser app.

What if we have multiple teams in our organization?

We’ve got that covered too.  Our system is built to offer solutions for individual teams, sports organizations, schools, etc.  We can provide an organization account to manage each individual team and each coach/manager can access their info and communicate with their team exclusively.  All the while, you can maintain control over the master organization account and communication.

How are credits counted?

Each text or SMS message sent or received is counted as 1.0 credit.  Your account is loaded each month with a number of credits to be used, and more can be purchased at any time.  If you’re account drops below 125 credits, it will automatically be recharged to make sure you’re never in a place where you can’t communicate with your team.

What Number do we use?

When you setup your account, we will give you the opportunity to find a custom 10 digit local number to be used for your account.  No need for spammy short-codes, we make each number individual to your team or organization so your team parents and contacts will have confidence in the messages you’re sending.

What happens in the off-season?

We know that most sports will be very active during their season, and in the off-season, not as much communication happens.  For that reason, we have enabled an “Off Season” mode to your account.  We will drop you billing down to a low cost to cover the expense of keeping your phone number, and provide a basic number of credits during that time.  For an organization account, we pause the teams accounts and only charge for the organization usage of the system.  Doing our best to make this affordable for your team!